Start,grow & launch your tutoring business

Hey I'm Lisa - I help tutors like you grow and scale their tutoring business to finally take the leap into tutoring full time and give the same strategies I used to grow out a team of 14 tutors and 200 students.

A thriving tutoring business  doesn't have to be this hard...

Are you struggling with an inconsistent income from tutoring?

Can't take that jump into going full time with tutoring?

Or students keep asking for free trials... then ghosting you?

Maybe you're actually having 10 hour tutoring days

but for some reason... you're burnt out, not growing and feel unpaid?

Here's the thing.

A successful tutoring business...

❌ doesn't have draining 12-hour days with students you don't connect with

❌ isn't filled with the constant fear of students leaving you (and affecting your income)

❌ isn't supposed to make you feel underpaid, undercharged and under-appreciated.

Rather it really should look like this

✅ you're working with students you love to work with

✅ you have a waitlist because you're so in demand

✅ you're charging what you're worth so you don't need those 10+ hour days

✅ you're able to spend more time with the family without the financial pressures

So what do you really need for a successful tutoring business?


lowering prices to compete with other tutors...

❌ you'd be wrong


you needed a fancy website...

❌ you'd be wrong


you just need MORE students

❌ you'd be wrong

Imagine this instead...

You could charge your DREAM price and

finally hit your income goals?

You had a SIMPLE marketing funnel

that works so well you need a waitlist?

You're finally off that hamster wheel of scrambling for new students, your calendar is booked out weeks ahead and make an income to replace your full time income 2-3x?

Because that's what these tutors have successfully achieved

The truth is...

I was exactly where you are... and was thinking it was impossible

Over the past 15 years, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to be a successful tutoring business owner with a waitlist of students who are begging to work with you.

It’s important to know that to have a successful tutoring business, you don’t need to have a lot of students.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is talking BS.

You don’t want a high turnover of students because that means you're doing something wrong.

Instead, you want to focus on attracting the RIGHT type of client to your business, impressing students from lesson one so that they consistently come to you week after week, year after year until they graduate.

This loyalty is what makes you successful.

It’s what gets you glowing referrals that will last for years.

You’ll be able to quit your sucky job, gain control over your own time, and make 7-figs, as I did!!

Hey I'm Lisa 🥰

I'm a Pharmacist turned 7-Fig Tutoring Business Owner helping tutors get fully booked with dream clients

I started tutoring when I was 18. Like many of you, I had no prior teaching experience, but I had a passion for sharing my knowledge and helping students.

When I first started tutoring, I knew my system for getting clients wasn't working.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I had no clue what I was doing. I was:

😫 Life was on this endless repeat... getting new students,

only to lose them after the first lesson

😫 Giving away endless free trials that would rarely ever convert clients

😫 Battling calendar admin with constant reschedules and cancellations

with students I (truth be told) didn't enjoy working with

😫 #hustling overtime, but still not seeing $$$ come into my bank account.

...You’ve probably experienced this before..and you know the pain.

After months of waking up every day feeling anxious and stressed out because I couldn’t hit my income goals, I realised that something needed changing...

I had a new plan.

A simple, step-by-step strategy to get dream clients, who would consistently come to me week-after-week, AND who would pay me what I was worth.

Within 3 months, I was fully booked.

...I was tutoring 26 weekly students and I was making over $1000 each week (that’s $52,000/year - more than the average income for a new uni graduate). All this while balancing my pharmacy university degree and a social life - YES, you can successfully balance all!

I eventually quit my pharmacy career to pursue tutoring full-time because:

💛 it was incredibly rewarding helping students achieve their goals

💛 I could dictate my own work schedule (~16 hours per week, preferring evenings)

💛 I could decide and charge my own $ hourly tutoring rate (unlike in pharmacy)

💛 I was making more money as a tutor than as a pharmacist (insane, I know!)

7 years later, I turned my private tutoring into a thriving business with over 35 tutors, 200+ students, and generated over $2 million in total revenue.

Before I sold the business in 2023, Lisa's Study Guides accumulated 200+ 5-star reviews on Google, had our YouTube videos played by teachers in classrooms, with our study guides used by students across the world (I still can't believe it!)

And guess what? I worked on average JUST 5 hours a week on Lisa's Study Guides (no but for real) 😉

Being a business owner is the best vehicle to get you to financial freedom

If you want to use the SAME simple strategy to create THIS powerful transformation in your business, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to...


Master Your Tutoring Game Plan

The proven & battle tested program to become a fully booked, in demand, waitlist-flooded tutor.

  • How to charge what you're worth without feeling salesy

  • Build the same marketing word-of-mouth channel that consistently brings in warm & ideal students

  • ​Use the exact systems I used to scale my tutoring business to work with more students with less of your time

From $50 to $90/hr

What Yi achieved in 3 months of Master Your Tutoring Game Plan

  • 2X'd her no. of students from 7 - 15 students

  • Increased her rates without losing students

  • Higher Income with less hours & without the burnout

take a peek into your

profit-generation program

Master Your Tutoring Game Plan is unlike any other program out there.

Not only do I teach you how to get your first paid clients in just 90 days...

I also give you the 15 years of systems (and 15 years of hard learnt mistakes)

to speed your way to pricing, marketing and launching your tutoring business.

Plug and Play straight into your Tutoring Business.

Everything You Get In MYTGP


Start Here

  • Crash course on the biggest mistakes early tutoring business owners make so you can avoid them and know exactly what you need to do instead

  • Get a clear 3 month roadmap to excel inside Master Your Tutoring Game Plan

  • Join the Tutorboss Community of like-minded tutors ready to kick ass just like you 👊


Pricing Mastery

  • Learn how to charge confidently for your services with my 'Know Your Worth' Pricing Formula

  • Explore different business models (e.g. 1-1 vs group, online vs in-person) and their impact on your scalability, and work out which is aligned with your vision

  • How to increase your prices withoutbacklash including templates and suggested objection responses


Foundational Marketing Strategy

  • Learn how to attract ideal students so you can work with the students who you can serve best

  • Uncover the steps to a flawless tutoring marketing funnel that keeps students coming

  • Define your niche and stand out from the crowd as an undisputed authority in your area of expertise

  • ​​Identify what makes you unique as a tutor so you can sell yourself with confidence


Business Launch

  • Get dream students through your door with a Word-Of-Mouth marketing system

  • Boost student conversions in your DMs with Supercharge Student Conversion Strategy

  • Use my 'Non-Salesy Sales Call Script' which has helped my business make $2+ million in revenue

  • ​Transform leads into loyal students with enticing free trials and money-back guarantees

  • Use tutor-client contract template to safeguard your services and reinforce your professional image


Build Loyalty

  • Learn my unique 'Referral System' that has me and my business a student waitlist for years in advance

  • How to build retention so students come back consistently week after week WITHOUT extra effort on your behalf

  • Use my proven Foolproof First Lesson Template to hook in students every time


Scale Students

  • Turbocharge your smart Word Of Mouth marketing conversion strategy to the next level so you can sign on more students who rave about you

  • ​​Start leveraging testimonials for social proof which will attract even more dream clients to your business

  • ​​Transition from 1-1 tutoring to group tutoring so you can better leverage your time


Growth With Systems

  • ​Learn and implement an effective and efficient calendar & financing system to run smoothly WITHOUT your input (no more chasing up payments or manually booking lessons!)

  • ​Understand the power of systems in your business and when you should systemise

  • Save precious time so you can work ON your business and start seeing the growth you want


Next Level Marketing

  • Compound upon your Word-Of-Mouth by sticking your marketing efforts with Social Media

  • ​Discover how to write marketing copy and how to create marketing videos

  • ​Get 14-days worth of social post templates you can quickly kickstart your own social platform

  • Get my Social Media A/B Test Results Template to help you logically analyse and interpret your social media data

What Past Students Said About MYTGP

Master Your Tutoring Game Plan is your key to a fully booked business if...

✔️ You're seriously READY to invest in yourself. You know you can be a great tutor, but you're stuck without the business skills. You're ready to finally have the 4-Fig, 5-fig, or 6-fig business that you KNOW is possible for you.

✔️ You're determined to get off the revenue roller coaster for good. You know get to your income goals 10x faster than you could ever do if you tried to piece it all together on your own (after all, that’s what you’ve been doing, and it hasn’t exactly been working out so well…).

✔️ You see the value in a step-by-step proven framework, with solid systems that serve you so you have repeat clients, and the freedom to do more of what you love outside of work. You're so done with feeling lost.

✔️ You’ve had an inkling for a while now that your marketing strategy has been missing something.

And you know the simple Word-Of-Mouth strategy inside Master Your Tutoring Game Plan is that all-important piece of the puzzle that will allow you to magnetize new clients on repeat.

✔️ You don't currently have a community around you who "gets" your big vision. And you’re excited to be part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are putting in the work to make their dreams a reality.

However, this program isn't for you if...

❌ You aren’t willing to say goodbye to all of the shiny objects...And you want to keep marketing on multiple platforms using a hodge-podge of strategies, and you don’t want to focus in on one simple Word Of Mouth marketing strategy to grow.

❌ You secretly procrastinate because you fear failure. You're more obsessed with ‘looking’ professional (like setting up a fancy website or getting a logo), rather than actually doing the ground work that can make you money within days.

❌ You’re not committed to putting in the work. While the system inside Master Your Tutoring Game Plan is simple, you can’t have the results without a little bit of elbow grease along the way. 😉

❌ You don’t value investing in yourself and your business. And you’re content with continuing to piece it all together on your own by reading endless business books, downloading every freebie, and trying to dissect advice from every YouTube video. You know that you don't know everything, and that DIYing your way is not the fastest way for you to build your business dreams.

0 To 60 Students

In only 1.5 years, here's what Sophia has achieved after MYTGP

  • Signed 4 students within 3 months

  • Scaled to 60 students in 1.5 years

  • Quit her job and went from $37 to $100/hr


Know Your Pricing Mastery

Tutorboss Scale System

Turbocharge referral Engine


Know Your Pricing Mastery

Tutorboss Scale System

Automated Tutor


Lifetime access to Tutorboss Vault

Lesson templates, plans and rebook scripts

Automated Tutor

Say 'YES' to Master Your Tutoring Game Plan and...

Get Your Dream Students.
Get off the Revenue Roller Coaster.
Build a Fully Booked Tutoring Business.

Follow the exact strategy myself and 100+ other Tutors just like you to start, grow and scale their tutoring business.

Payment Plan


4 Monthly Payments

  • Lifetime Access

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Pay In Full


  • Lifetime Access

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Join 50+ Thriving Tutors and become the next MYTGP Success Story

Questions tutors (like you!) asked before saying 'yes' to Master Your Tutoring Game Plan

Who is the program for?

Crafted by Lisa (me!), a tutor with 15 years experience turned successful business owner, 'Master Your Tutoring Game Plan' is specifically designed for aspiring tutors.

Whether you're a teacher like Bernadette wanting to spend more time at home with her grandchildren, an Aerospace engineer like Viktor looking for work-life harmony, or a university student like Ethan wanting to make some extra cash...

...this program has proven its worth with dozens of tutors getting their first paid clients, charging prices higher than ever imagined, and getting fully booked.

I don't think it's the right time for me...

my schedule is already jammed packed

I get it.

I understand how busy things can be and how valuable your time is.

When you’re starting a business, it can feel like there are hundreds of things you need to do all the while trying to balance family, life obligations… and the list goes on.

BUT, if you think that you need to:

❌ be fully versed in the study material before signing your first paid client, you're wrong.

❌ have lessons plans ready before signing your first paid client, you're wrong.

❌ have a business name, registration and logo completed before signing your first paid client, you're wrong.

To have a successful business, you need customers. It's as simple as that.

This means your goal is to get your first student.

Here's the cold hard truth. You could very possibly be procrastinating on your business' growth.

So, what if we cut out ALL of the noise and replaced it with ONE strategy that allows you to get your next paid client so you can get booked out faster?

Things would be a lot more simple, wouldn’t it?

That's why the framework I teach you in Master Your Tutoring Game Plan has been designed with time efficiency in mind by helping you focus on the RIGHT things you need to do in your business, right now.

I work/study full time.

Can I take longer than 3 months to complete the program?

Absolutely! The program is designed to accommodate your busy schedule, offering flexibility to complete it at your own pace. While I suggest a 3-month timeline for those who can dedicate 5 hours per week, this might not work for you if you have other obligations. Inside the program, I also have an extended 5-month timeline schedule for those who wish to take longer to complete the program. Remember, this is just a general outline. You get lifetime access to the program so if it takes you sooner or longer, that’s totally okay!

Will Master Your Tutoring Game Plan work for me?

YES...but only if:

✔️ you're understand that YOU need to put in the work (just investing in a course isn't going to change your life - the work you put IN is the game-changer)

✔️ you aren't afraid to rise up to the challenge of being an entrepreneur (sharing with the world that you have a business, increasing your prices, saying 'no' to non-ideal fit clients takes guts!)

✔️ you leverage Lisa and the Tutorboss community with all of your questions so you don't stay stuck, but maintain momentum in building your sustainable and scalable tutoring business

When can I expect to see a return on my investment?

I have clients inside Master Your Tutoring Game Plan who have made their investment in a matter of weeks, others in a matter of months.

Yi made back her investment after 2 months by booking multiple 1:1 dream clients for her coaching sessions following our simple, step-by-step system for getting you booked out.

To spell it out with maths, you only need 3 students at $50/hr over 12 weeks to make back more than your investment (3 x $50/hr x 12 = $1800 earnings).

But I won’t sugarcoat things – while the strategy is simple, you need to put in the work. The beauty of it is that as the CEO of your business, your results lie squarely in your hands. If you’re committed to showing up and putting in the work, my team and I are committed to getting in the trenches with you and providing custom advice via our community support channel.

Will this work for me if I live in [insert country]?

My systems work for clients all over the world. Fun fact, majority of my clients come from the USA, UK, CA, and Australia. I've also had clients based in Europe and Asia.

TL;DR? YES, MYTGP will work for you regardless of where you live!

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. So, if you watch the video lessons, complete the work, and STILL don’t get results, drop me an email at and I'll happily refund your full payment within 90 days of the start of the course.

Is my investment tax deductible?

Always check with your own tax advisor, but in most cases, YES!

By now, you already know that becoming fully booked with DREAM clients can be MUCH simpler than you think, and it all comes down to…

Master Your Tutoring Game Plan

Master Your Tutoring Game Plan is your one-way ticket to making your dreams a reality.

If you're tutor who is ready to give up the hamster wheel that doesn't move the needle so you can finally get that influx of dream clients you’ve been searching for…

If you’re determined to break out of your corporate cubicle, done with daydreaming about what life could look like on the other side, and committed to booking enough clients to make that leap of faith…

If you have a fire in your belly that no matter what comes your way, you WILL make this whole business thing work with a little bit of grit and a simple Tutorboss strategy on your side…THEN…

It's your time Tutorboss.

Will you step up to the challenge?